
Fabrication Tips

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Memory Stitch for Drapery Panels Hems
In this presentation we will show you how to prevent lining and face fabric from separating.
Translucent Buckram and Semi Sheer Fabric Challenge
How to solve the problem of not enough sheer fabric width to insert a translucent buckram in a double fold casing.
Solution for applying thick trim to pillow made with thin linen.
What to do when you get a work order for linen pillows with self welt, leather trim and invisible zipper closure?
What is Thread Weight?
Threads and fabrics are the two most common and important elements in all types of sewing. In fabricating soft furnishings for the home, it is necessary for a good finished product to use elements that are suited for the application. Let’s talk about thread. Using the correct thread can be the difference between success and […]